Friday, February 06, 2009

New toys... sort of

Blogger now lets you add a blogroll to your page, and sorts them in the order of who has most recently updated. I love it. Though I am having issues with the font size but that's another thing... See, Blogrolling was hacked a while back (October for crying out loud!) and it's never been fixed enough to allow me to do anything with it. Which is really rather annoying and in my opinion rather poor customer service, and had I been a subscriber I'd be quite pissed off, but instead I just left.

So anyhoo. I've added a blogroll for the Ravelry 52 books group, but since there are hundreds of people and blogs in the list it will take me a while. And quite honestly I'm being fussy and only linking book blogs or sites with separate pages for their book info. No offense, but I'm there for the books, not for the latest baby diaper change. Oh, I am snarky lately.

Whatever. I'm going back to my book.

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For me.

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