Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I've started to post several times now...

And each time I get a few sentences in before I run down. Work is turning out to be ok. I like the people I work with, I really like not having to deal with the unemployment jerks, but I am already tired of sore feet at the end of my shift.

I have cool shoes. They really do help. But there just isn't any escaping the fact that I'm on my feet seven hours a day and I'm a big girl. I guess I still need to be looking for that dream job, the one where I surf the internet all day and only deal with people through email

I've done absolutely no knitting in the last few weeks. I just don't feel mentally awake enough by the end of the day to knit lace and days off are spent running errands and such. I need to start something simple, I guess. I have some lovely red cotton that I was going to use for Soleil, but for some reason the lace on that killed me. Maybe a more simple tank? This maybe? I really like the Flow tank the Harlot did, but I can't pay $16 for the book A.t.M.

Anyway, I'd better go. The family will be up soon and I'll never get any WoW time, lol.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I don't have a problem with alternate religions. In fact, at one point I researched Wicca and thought seriously about becoming a Wiccan (I will admit now that it was mainly to freak out my mother, though I find many of the Wiccan beliefs appeal to me still, but anyhoo...), I don't post this out of malice but it did tickle my funny bone.
"A woman accidentally stabbed herself in the foot with a 3-foot-long sword while performing a Wiccan good luck ritual at a central Indiana cemetery."

Was this an example of her luck and the reason she was performing the ritual?

Thursday, July 17, 2008


This morning started like any other day. I got up, put the coffee maker on (it turned out to be clogged and we cleaned it at home rather than sending it away, yay!), and then booted up the 'puter.

I got a message from McAffee that my virus protection was expired, so I deleted the old and went to download the new from my ISP. In the process I restarted the 'puter and lo and behold no wireless connection. It didn't exist. Somehow, some way, our wireless disappeared.

And not just on the desktop. Neither laptop would connect either. Not a provider issue, we still have tv and phone. Several resets later and the dragging of tower and monitor to the physical connection to the internet and resetting the network later we have the 'net again, but... It's still odd. Still can't connect on the laptop. The networking card doesn't want to work. And well, the settings of the network aren't right. Like we missed a step along the way?

I'm tempted to pick the brain of the compu-geek at work if he's there tonight but I don't know him very well yet, and it seems a bit presumptuous, lol.

Speaking of work, so far so good. I am hoping I can finish all of my certifications there tonight, I've only been doing exactly what they are for for a week now, I should be able to pass easy enough. ;)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Uh oh!

Abby says it's not polite to knit or crochet while attending a meeting or social gathering... What say you?

I say if it's a small meeting, yeah maybe. But if it's a huge conference room and you aren't bugging the person next to you and you can still pay attention and contribute then you are fine.

Monday, July 14, 2008


This morning I went out to the car to get the login for our daycare pay site and the glove box was open. Was someone in the car? Hubby wasn't in the glove box and neither was I. But there was $40 in cash in the car and it was still there. But now hubby's phone seems to have gone. The phone would have been right on top of the cash, although the cash was a little tucked under some other stuff.

But he can't swear the phone was in the car. We've tried calling it to see if it's in the house, but it goes straight to voice mail. Now, it's just a Net10 phone, so it's not like someone can run up hundreds of dollars worth of calls on it, so we aren't worried about that. But it does have some numbers in the contacts that hubby doesn't have anywhere else.

And maybe as hubby says I'm being paranoid. Why would they take the phone and not the cash? But maybe they were interrupted? I don't know. Just seems odd that we can't find his phone.

Anyway... I need a new look for my page now that the 4th is over. No idea what I want now. *Sigh*

Monday, July 07, 2008


We decided to take a trip down to Santa Fe before I start working again, figuring it would be our last chance for a bit. So we spent a lovely several days down south eating and playing.

I love, love, love the Blue Corn Cafe! We actually ate there twice this trip and both meals were sooo good. The first night I had their "Carne Adovada, tender pork cubes marinated in red chile and slow cooked. Covered with melted cheese and served with flour tortillas." Enough there to feed two and so yummy. I wish I could get my red chile sauce to taste like that!

I love Santa Fe, from the lovely adobe style houses to the food. Where else can you sit in the plaza eating ice cream and listening to buskers playing the harp and violin?

And of course much time was spent in the hotel pool. I have the sunburned shoulders to prove it! (Always remember to REapply sun screen before going in the pool. Oops)

While we were there we headed into the mountains to check out Bandelier National Monument. The ancient cliff dwellings are interesting, but the fact that they also had ground level buildings make the site unique. We'd all been before, but the munchkin was in a stroller then so hubby wandered the cliff while the munchkin and I watched ants. This time was much better as we were all able to explore the cliff. And yes, I did manage to climb a ladder and stick my head in one of the cliff homes, despite my fear of heights and claustrophobia.

We saw several little lizards and to my delight, a blooming Jimson Weed ala Georgia O'Keefe. The picture turned out much better than I thought it would, we had to respect the park and stay on the trail and that was the only bloom on any Jimson we happened across. They are quite a bit larger than I expected and very beautiful.

Anyway, off to nag my hubby to go get coffee as our 3 month old fancy espresso machine is not grinding properly and needs to be sent back!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Busy few weeks?

Nah. Not really, just too lazy to blog, lol.

We did go to our first drive-in movie last week. We saw Kung Fu Panda and Indiana Jones. Kung Fu Panda was better than hubby and I expected. Indiana, well it was okay, definitely the worst movie of the 4, but okay.

I've been on a non-fiction kick in my reading lately. See, I love the show Wild West Tech. I live in what was once the wild west, after all. So I've been reading about the history of the wild west, specifically, the women of the west.

Denver and the surrounding mining camps had a rolicking past, lol. In Denver there's the aptly named Market Street, once the home to high class brothels run by such infamous madames as Mattie Silks and Jennie Rogers. Mattie's "house" at 2009 Market St. in Denver is now an historical landmark. Just down the street at #1942 was the House of Mirrors, originally owned by Jennie and an object of great jealousy for Mattie. Mattie bought the House after Jennie's death and immediately had her name inset in the tile entrance. The building was restored in 1998 and is now houses a restaurant called Mattie's House of Mirrors.

Of course, it's not just the soiled doves I find fascinating. There were cattle queens and lady doctors, too. And of course, suffragettes. Colorado was the first state in the Union to approve women's suffrage in a popular election, a full 25 years before the 19th Amendment was passed.

Anyhoo. I've changed the sock pattern to Monkey. When I actually read Chevrolace and discovered it was knit on circulars I pouted and found Monkey instead, lol. I will start the lace pattern today.

OH! And I got a job! It's retail again, sigh. But it's an office supply place, so I am thinking clientele is likely to be very different from what I've seen in the past. I start on July 8. Mixed feelings abound. In one respect I am hideously bored, but in another I like not having to be somewhere. We shall see how things go. Wish me luck ;)

For me.

It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...