Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Yes, I know it's a little late. But still... My resolution this year is to get a family photo taken. Our last family photo was taken when the munchkin was probably 2. And that was just a shot we set up before Christmas in front of the old fireplace so really, it wasn't even a great picture. This year I want a real photo taken, and since you can't really beat the price it's not asking for a lot, is it?

It hit me last year when we were at Mt. Rushmore and someone offered to take a pic of the three of us (and cranky hubby said no, but that's another story) that we really needed to do this.

Of course, hubby and I have both put on some weight this last year (being out of work and sitting on one's arse eating chocolate tends to do that...) but oh well.

My other resolution is to knit more. I just need to make the time. I have some lovely stash yarns that are just begging to be used. Heck, I have some UFOs sitting in my knitting drawer. The Flowers on the Go bag needs to be frogged and the new skein of yarn balled so I can cast on again. I've socks on the needles. I've got Corntastic yarn begging to be knit into plain Jane socks for the kiddo. And my Brooks Farm Yarn is crying to be knit in to something fantastic. Not to mention my spiderweb shawl...

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For me.

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