Sunday, February 20, 2011


I have insomnia. So this article caught my attention, 5 foods that help you sleep: cherries, oatmeal, toast and warm milk (bananas is the last food, but I don't really care for bananas unless they are in daiquiri form or accompanying ice cream, lol).

Cherries have melatonin, which is something I take as a supplement regularly. That helps me get to sleep. But I wake up frequently through out the night. I am lucky in that I generally can get back to sleep in a short amount of time, but it's not really restful.

After my daughter was born, I took a sleep aid / anti-depressant. That was brilliant, because it helped on both fronts, it helped with my post-partum depression and it helped me sleep. When I couldn't sleep, it of course amplified the depression. I quit taking that when I lost my medical insurance and didn't feel the need to go back on it when I got new insurance. But I surely do miss the sleep aid part!

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