The last month has flown by. My gardening efforts this summer have paid off much more than previous years. I have a ton of jalapenos on my plant and still more flowers on their way to being peppers. My cherry tomato is doing well, we've gotten probably 10 or so, so far, with a ton of babies on the vine and a ton more flowers. Sadly, I shocked my regular tomato plant to death trying to put it outside after living inside for months. Next year I will know better. They go out for a short period each day, getting a little longer each day, until about two weeks pass and then they're set. And I think I will go for two regular tomato plants, since really we eat them more and we've not gotten enough cherries at one time to put in anything. But I still consider it a successful crop :)
Also learned, next year the jalapeno will go in the pot I have the cherry tomato in, so the cage will support it a bit. The tomatoes flat out must go in 5 gallon buckets again, because having to water twice a day means the cherry tomato isn't holding hardly any water, since by afternoon it's wilted :( Also, the buckets are heavier. Right now, my tomato falls over at the slightest gust of wind.
Strawberries aren't doing much, but that's to be expected of first year plants. Hopefully we get a nice return next year. Just have to mulch and stick in the garage and, this is key, remember to water at least once a month!
If hubby's job has been a pain in the ass. They've been promising to transfer him to sales, but it keeps getting put off. If it does finally come through, we should be able to save some money and once the kiddo is out of high school, think of buying our own place (and maybe actually be able to help her pay for college!). Then I will have a small garden (though I will likely still have containers, raspberries choke a garden out fast, so I'd love a big barrel planter for them) Of course, if I have a garden I will need a drip feeder for it, since we're so hot and dry in July and August.
Kiddo goes back to school in 10 days! I'm thinking I should probably start looking for a job, lol. It's been nice just hanging out, but don't tell anyone, I'm getting bored! I've gotten Isabel's second sock in Rainbow Bright nearly done. And I have read a ton of books this summer. And watched probably way too many home construction shows on Netflix, haha. And law enforcement tv, there's a lot of them out there now too!
"I'll read my books and I'll drink coffee and I'll listen to music, and I'll bolt the door." -J.D. Salinger
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
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For me.
It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...
We're leaving shortly for Iowa. Our yearly pilgrimage to the old homestead and Gram. Not sure what all we are going to do when we get ...
(A.K.A Mother's Day hint list for the hubby and child, lol) 1. New body pillow. My old one is flat and my back is getting achy again. ...