Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Calling all knitters! I'm stuck. I have never knit a sweater before, nor have I ever had to use stitch holders. I am to this bit in the pattern and I just can't wrap my brain around it:

Next Row: K25, put these sts on stitch holder for front, K30 (sleeve; divide remaining sts onto 3 stitch holders – 49 for back, next 30 sts for other sleeve, and remaining 25 sts for other front.

Sleeves: Work in Stockinette st for 4 inches, after last P row, decrease 6 sts evenly across row (every 5th st). Work remaining 24 sts in K1, P1 ribbing for 1 ½ inches. Bind off loosely.
Pick up stitches for other sleeve from holder and knit same as first sleeve.

Did the bit I italicized, then stuffed the rest of the stitches on stitch holders. So... Does this mean I am to only knit on the first sleeve now? Then cast off the sleeve and go on to the next sleeve, leaving the middle bit untouched?? Then how the heck do I pick up the stitches for the next sleeve? Honestly the words just fry my brain, I'm too visual for this lol.

For me.

It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...