Sock the First version 5 will be cast on today. This time I am going for an ankle style sock. Why I was knitting a full sock for myself when I only ever wear ankle socks, I know not. What I do know is that there's less to frog on a screwed up ankle sock.
I also know that I need a decent first sock before I start knitting with the new Corntastic yarn I bought last week. It's very soft stuff, and I am not sure just how well it would take to repeated rippings, lol. I've yet to see anything written by someone who's actually knit with it, although it does make a lovely soft baby blanket as seen at my LYS, but the lady working couldn't tell me how well it worked up. (Please don't let it be like cotton...). By the way, Corntastic claims to be a worsted weight, but my LYS had two different weights, one a sport weight and the other a worsted. I picked up the sport. It's not a cheap yarn. I paid $8.50 a skein, and there's only 105 yds per skein. Call this one an indulgence brought about by lust for the softness and curiosity.
PS. I seem to recall the old banana seat on my first bike being much more comfortable than the rock on my new bike. Can we say numb bum? But I am riding it, even if I can't go too far before my old, out of shape, body starts screaming at me.