Yesterday was one of those days. It was bad enough I had to work my first Saturday in two months which really confuzzled me all week long, lol. But then my electric tea kettle decided to die while I was making breakfast. So I booted up the older computer to do a search and see if I could find a reasonably priced one. Less than a minute after it booted it froze, so I shut it down and started it again. Or tried to.
I got a corrupted file error. We tried to fix it, but no joy.

So I dragged it into work with me. They fixed that error but now the usb connections won't work, as in, no keyboard, no mouse. So then one of the guys said, "We think it's a virus." Ummm. No. And T. (Our head tech) backed me up. I use the exact same software they use, and I have a damned good anti-virus. Not to mention we are careful in our surfing habits.
But just to be on the safe side, they ran the scan and guess what? No virus!

Still no explanation for the usb not working... I'm thinking it's time to reformat. Which means it's time to put 7 on

The hardware checks out and that was the one thing that was keeping me from buying 7 for it. And now T. says he has an extra license he'll give me, woot!
In other techish news, I won something! Working at a place that sells and fixes computers, I belong to a program called Nortonzone, which gives me free anti-virus for spending 5 minutes learning about their products. Easy-peasy. Apparently they have drawings for free stuff. I won a $50 prepaid Amex card. Yay me! Lol.