It's not bad. The PT is a nice guy, though he's a sports geek and keeps playing the sport trivia game. He asked what I was interested in and I said history. What I should have said was, "Western history. Especially women in the West." I mean, ask me about madams in Denver, or women outlaws and I'm your girl! (Look up Mattie Silks, she was an interesting woman, haha.) So far it's 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 on the NuStep and 10ish on the stationary bike (I hate it, I mean, absolutely loathe that bike, owwww). So anyway, I am surviving it. But I hope he doesn't think I am getting on the elliptical any time soon, haha.
My A1C is down to 6.4, so that's fabulous. And my PCP was thrilled. She also told me that if my weight plateaued where it is now, that would be okay, too. We'll see. Forced cardio 3 times a week, in addition to work and walking on my treadmill the other 4 days, and I have a feeling I am not quite done. I've lost 20 pounds, just since the heart attack, but gone down three pants sizes since last October. It's getting a bit spendy having to replace all my clothes again. Okay, not really, since I've only replaced the jeans and bras. Most of my shirts hang on me though, so that's coming soon.
The bra shopping, as most bra shopping does, sucked. Especially in the middle of a freaking pandemic. So I bought bras on Amazon. And the first several were... bad. But it took me ages to figure out that the reason for that was that I was not the same size as the last time I bought bras! Once I went down a size, things worked better. And I've even gone down another size since (there's pretty bras in my drawer, not just comfortable and functional. They're still comfortable, too), though I only bought one as a trial.
But. I fully admit that since my cardiologist appointment, my diet has gone to shit. I've been snacking almost constantly since I get home from work in the afternoon, which is not good. The things I snack on aren't terrible (I love grapes! And raspberries) but some aren't great. Saltines have been the big bad this last week. And grilled cheese sandwiches on white bread. So this week I am going to eat better, I swear. No more crackers. And only one piece of bread, and a lot less cheese, or at least low fat cheese. I did find a recipe for shrimp scampi (with Barilla Protein+ Angel Hair, made with chick peas, lentils and peas) I like that's quick and filling, plus the sauce is versatile. Tonight we used the sauce on salmon and quinoa.
I have promised my daughter Culver's before she goes back to university though, so there's a Rueben coming, most likely on Friday since I have physical therapy Mon, Wed and Thursday, so not home until after 5 those evenings and the husband is home before me those nights and therefore can't pick it up on the way home, haha.