People really need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. I'm so tired of they way people blame others for things that they're responsible for.
Case in point: Our assistant manager was on maternity leave. Before she left she showed another woman how to do certain aspects of her job so that when she came back from leave she wouldn't have piles of work to catch up on. The other woman never did a thing, so sure enough the a.m. came back to a large pile of paperwork. When she sarcastically thanked the other lady for not doing it, the other woman said,"Oh I forgot and [the manager] didn't remind me."
For crying out loud, you're in a position of responsibility and you're a grown woman. you screwed up. Admit it and it ends there. But because she tried to blame it on someone else it just upset the a.m. even more.
And now a
group is trying to sue McDonald's because it says Happy Meals are making their kids fat because, '"McDonald's marketing has the effect of conscripting America's children into an unpaid drone army of word-of-mouth marketers, causing them to nag their parents to bring them to McDonald's,"' said the leader of the group bring the lawsuit.
I don't know about the rest of you parents out there, but my kiddo can nag all she wants, it's still my decision to give her the Happy Meal or not. And frankly, if you give in to nagging all you are doing is reinforcing bad behavior. In which case, as a parent
it's your own damned fault that your kid is not only fat but a brat as well!.
It's ok to say no to your kid. And if you stick to your guns and let them know that no means no, they will get the picture soon enough. (By the way, the lesson that NO means NO is a really huge lesson that everyone needs to learn and you're doing your kids no favor but letting them think that no means maybe, and if they whine enough it means yes!).
No one makes you eat at McDonald's. (Just like no one made that infamous lady take the lid off her HOT coffee in her car. Traditionally coffee is served hot unless you ask for an iced coffee, if you take the lid off while driving then, yeah, you'll probably spill it. And holding it between your legs, pure stupidity, but god forbid she should take responsibility for her own actions... See? We're teaching people to be stupid!)