Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's... Wednesday?

I'm so lost. Being sick has absolutely messed with my head, in more ways than one! I worked a half day Monday, took yesterday off as a last ditch effort to feel better. It seems to have worked, as by the end of the day yesterday I was feeling waaaaaaaaaaaay better. And this morning I hardly coughed at all, yay!

But I am finding it very hard to put anything in my stomach in the morning right now, which is odd for me. Normally I wake up a tiny bit queasy and have to eat something or at least drink something to settle my tummy. And this will comeback to haunt me later in the day when I am starving at 11 AM! Or worse, have a caffeine headache later because even coffee doesn't sound good. The last time coffee didn't sound good was over 10 years ago and I was pregnant, lol. But we can safely rule that out this time around!

I guess I will make more coffee and... ACK!! I left my travel cup at work last week! I have an extra, but it has no lid!

And OMG! I just looked at my work schedule and realized that Christmas is NEXT WEEK! Ummmm. Crap. So much for getting my mom's calendar done and shipped. I guess I had better take her necklace with me to work today and send it UPS so she will at least have that. Calendar as birthday present in January? Lol.

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For me.

It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...