The sock thing is going ok. I've frogged it about 4 times, the last on our trip home from my mom's, which sucked and left me with no knitting for the car. Why? Because I have long nails for the first time in years and I use a long tail cast on. This results in bleeding palms. To get 'round this, I've an old sock that I cut the toe out of and a hole in the heel for my thumb. There's just enough fabric that my nails don't bite.
I have to watch my time though, since the kiddo gets out early today. Or at least she would if she ever got ready for school! Sheesh. Better get her moving'. Ciao!
PS. If things start looking wonky later, don't worry. It's just me changing things around. The green is bugging me, lol.
PS jr. Wow. The prices on Istock photo have really gone up. Sorry, but $13 for a single image? Not.
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