Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A need to knit

I have not picked up my needles since the horrifying trip over Vail Pass. I really need to take some quiet time and just sit and knit. I'm going to do a few more plain knit rows, but then I need to start the pattern of hearts. I am thinking I very much just want to do one heart each end. The munchkin won't care, and really, the sooner I finish this scarf the sooner I can start playing with the yarn that has been teasing me for months...

I think this will drive me insane, but I really want to try it.

I also want to try cables. I went to my favourite knitting site,, and watched the video on cables and it doesn't look hard, really. We shall see.

1 comment:

Roggey said...

You'll be fine with the cables, honestly, they just *look* difficult!

For me.

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