What is LISA?
LISA = Loveland Integrated School of the Arts
An educational option that nourishes and challenges students who have a passion for the arts
A program that integrates visual and performing arts across the curriculum
An alternative to traditional learning styles that includes the arts in core content classes such as social studies, math, and science
Arts opportunities in the classroom, as extracurricular activities, and through performances and shows
She's soooo excited, and frankly, so am I for her :) It's basically a school within a school. All the classes are pre-AP, so nothing is dumbed down, just more interesting. The first few years the majority of her classes will be with the same group of kids, hopefully allowing her to make some good friends and get involved with things other than her blasted iPad, lol. I wish they'd had something like this when I was in school!
It was a pretty interesting application process, reminded me of college applications! We had to get multiple recommendations from teachers and friends. Then she had to take 3-5 of her best art pieces to an audition where they asked her about her future plans, school work, etc.
Now we just have to go get her registered on Feb. 5 and it will all have been worth it!