We spent the first part of the week in Iowa with my mother. Mostly a good trip, though we had one night of terrible weather which brought back my storm phobia with a vengeance! Part of the problem is that they now sound the sirens for any severe weather, not just tornadoes. To me that is crazy! It's going to send folks back to the 70s when they sounded the sirens for tornado watches and people stopped taking them seriously. Sirens are going off and I am freaking out in the basement while my mom is puttering in the kitchen, totally unconcerned. According to the weather folks, they sound the sirens to warn people out of doors to seek shelter. After that it is up to the person to listen to a weather radio or watch TV to determine how severe the storm is! Great until you lose TV because of the weather and have no clue....
I'm sorry, but when I was a kid the sirens went off as a warning of an imminent tornado and to take cover immediately, not as a notice to turn on your bloody TV and check the weather.
Anyhoo.... Other than that night, the weather cooperated and we had a lovely time. We drove up the river and ALL THE WAY TO DAVENPORT (several times even!).
But I have to say I am happy to be home. Not sure I could live in the midwest anymore. The temp is the same here today as it in Bettendorf, and yet here it feels wonderfully comfortable. In Bettendorf it was muggy :( Blech. 7% humidity versus 70% humidity, we win, lol.
I don't go back to work until Tuesday. So today we bought some flowers and planted them for the patio. We also planted the starter plants my mom sent back with us. Wish I knew what the heck they are. They have narrow dark green waxy leaves and lovely clusters of small pink waxy flowers, if that rings a bell with anyone please let me know ;)
"I'll read my books and I'll drink coffee and I'll listen to music, and I'll bolt the door." -J.D. Salinger
Friday, May 27, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Over for another year
Whew. I managed to survive the daughter's birthday party! I think a good time was had by all the girls. We had pizza and soda, and ice cream cake for dessert, which sent the girls in to a sugar frenzy, lol. Then we tie dyed t-shirts. Unfortunately the weather was naf, so we had to do it in the bathroom. It mostly went ok, though it took me 20 minutes and a lot of Comet with bleach to clean out the bath tub.
After that they "settled down" to watch a movie, which apparently bored them, because they never did really settle down, lol. After the movie they wandered off to DD's bedroom to play really old Sega video games until the Party Pooper (that's me) stepped in and made them turn off the TV and video games and settle down (we live in a condo with neighbors below and next door, 11 PM is plenty late for shrieking with laughter, lol).
At that point I have no idea what they did because I went to bed. I had the alarm set so I could get up and make everyone breakfast before they went home, but Hubby decided that I needed to get up at 7:15. He came in and kissed me awake (which was nice) and informed me that, "The girls are hungry." Umm, really? You don't know where the pancake mix is?? *Sigh*
Then, since I go on vacation Friday!!!! I had to go to work. So I ran and took a shower, got ready for work, parents picked up there children and off to work (and quiet! Lol) I went.
I'm exhausted and it's only Monday, lol. I think Friday I will let DD set her alarm and get herself ready for school 'til the Hubby gets home and can ride herd. I'll sleep in ;) (Since the next morning I want to be on the road by 6 am!). We're off to Iowa to visit my mom. Hubby got screwed over schedule-wise so he won't be going with us. Though he secretly (or not so secretly!) might not consider that a terrible thing, lol, he is pissed at his employers.
And of course, being us with our luck, it's going to rain the entire bloody time we are in Iowa. Sheesh!
After that they "settled down" to watch a movie, which apparently bored them, because they never did really settle down, lol. After the movie they wandered off to DD's bedroom to play really old Sega video games until the Party Pooper (that's me) stepped in and made them turn off the TV and video games and settle down (we live in a condo with neighbors below and next door, 11 PM is plenty late for shrieking with laughter, lol).
At that point I have no idea what they did because I went to bed. I had the alarm set so I could get up and make everyone breakfast before they went home, but Hubby decided that I needed to get up at 7:15. He came in and kissed me awake (which was nice) and informed me that, "The girls are hungry." Umm, really? You don't know where the pancake mix is?? *Sigh*
Then, since I go on vacation Friday!!!! I had to go to work. So I ran and took a shower, got ready for work, parents picked up there children and off to work (and quiet! Lol) I went.
I'm exhausted and it's only Monday, lol. I think Friday I will let DD set her alarm and get herself ready for school 'til the Hubby gets home and can ride herd. I'll sleep in ;) (Since the next morning I want to be on the road by 6 am!). We're off to Iowa to visit my mom. Hubby got screwed over schedule-wise so he won't be going with us. Though he secretly (or not so secretly!) might not consider that a terrible thing, lol, he is pissed at his employers.
And of course, being us with our luck, it's going to rain the entire bloody time we are in Iowa. Sheesh!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Since I'm in a craptastic mood
I'll put up one of my favorite commercials of all time. Still makes me laugh
Monday, May 09, 2011
Loverly weekend!
I was lucky enough to have Saturday off, since it was inventory day and I thought I was going to have to work it. The kiddo and I got our errands done and I sneaked off to one of my favorite stores to get myself a little Mother's Day pressie, new inserts for my Magnabilities pendant. Marci has such neat things in that store! I've fallen in love with the Miche bags, I just love the whole concept of the interchangeable things! Though Hubby has already informed me that if I spend $100 on a purse he'll bean me, lol.
M and I also plotted birthday secrets for the kiddo, so that was fun ;)
On Sunday we ran one last errand and I let the kiddo pick out a box of puzzles for her birthday, then we went home and filled the new bird feeder (they've found it already, greedy little birds, lol). Then I looked at the outdoor thermometer and decided if we were going to go for a walk we'd better do it before the temp climbed any higher.
So we went for a nice ramble around the lake. Along the way we met Ruby, a bloodhound who had wandered away from her owner and of course the kiddo called her over to us. While we petted her and kept her distracted her owner finally caught up, lol.
But it was bloody warm. And I looked in the mirror this morning and the back of my neck is sunburned!
Well, enough rambling from me. I have to interview a few people for a job opening we have, not looking forward to it, since I've never had to before, lol. Better get moving!
M and I also plotted birthday secrets for the kiddo, so that was fun ;)
On Sunday we ran one last errand and I let the kiddo pick out a box of puzzles for her birthday, then we went home and filled the new bird feeder (they've found it already, greedy little birds, lol). Then I looked at the outdoor thermometer and decided if we were going to go for a walk we'd better do it before the temp climbed any higher.
So we went for a nice ramble around the lake. Along the way we met Ruby, a bloodhound who had wandered away from her owner and of course the kiddo called her over to us. While we petted her and kept her distracted her owner finally caught up, lol.
But it was bloody warm. And I looked in the mirror this morning and the back of my neck is sunburned!
Well, enough rambling from me. I have to interview a few people for a job opening we have, not looking forward to it, since I've never had to before, lol. Better get moving!
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For me.
It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...
We're leaving shortly for Iowa. Our yearly pilgrimage to the old homestead and Gram. Not sure what all we are going to do when we get ...
(A.K.A Mother's Day hint list for the hubby and child, lol) 1. New body pillow. My old one is flat and my back is getting achy again. ...