The Back to School season at work is officially over, as school is back in session. We had a few cooler days last week, then WHAM! Back to 90+ temps. No wonder I have a wicked sinus infection, my body doesn't know what season it is in.
I really enjoyed the cooler temps. I even worked out homes indoors for my outdoors plants. Little Miss I. will be getting decorations on the top of her dresser this winter in the form of my geraniums. The other little plants will join the other few plants in the kitchen by the sink.
I wish the ledge by the window was just a little wider, so my plants would fit on there when the blind is down. Oh well. At least I can actually have plants in plain view now, since I have no cat to eat them any longer. (I still miss him dreadfully, but there are a few advantages. No cat on the counters, no cat eating anything and everything you turn your back on for two seconds....)
But I digress... Cooler weather, I'm ready for you! It will be lovely to be able to walk to and from work. To leave the windows open and get some fresh air. And even more lovely to be able to go for a walk around the lake without melting! And I am just ready for the colors of fall. I can't wait to see what the lake looks like as all the foliage changes. I think it will be great to sit out on the deck in the evenings and read or just watch the birds. Right now I am limited to early in the morning before it starts getting too hot and at night the mosquitoes come out in squadrons!
Ah Autumn, come home soon! ;)
"I'll read my books and I'll drink coffee and I'll listen to music, and I'll bolt the door." -J.D. Salinger
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Open mouth insert foot?
Today at work I had to print out some images for a regular customer. Some of them were these cute little animals, totally perfect for a young kiddo or baby. So I made the comment, "Oh these are sooooo cute. I don't have a kiddo young enough to appreciate them but..." And she blurts out, "Neither do I. Mine's dead" And I must have just stood there gaping like a landed fish as she continued, "His birthday's tomorrow and I'm just a mess!"
And of course I just keep saying, "Oh I am so sorry, I'm soooo sorry."
And of course I just keep saying, "Oh I am so sorry, I'm soooo sorry."
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Anything you say and do on Facebook
may be used against you. Maybe not in a court of law, but in life. Think before you post, people!
For instance, when I came home for lunch last week I noticed a coworker had posted to FB. I added my two cents and didn't think much about it. I didn't think to look at the time the original post came in. Until 2 minutes after I posted my comment she replied. Interesting. Since at both the time of the original post and the reply (and 11 more replies to various other people) she was at work. And supposed to be WORKING.
One of the comments was from another coworker, who was on his lunch break when I got back. It says, "Wow, I didn't know you got Facebook in the cash office." She didn't get the point and just replied, "I get everything sent to my phone."
And the most brilliant thing? When she got called on the carpet about texting and using FB at work, she flat out frickin' LIED. Said she never used FB at work. I beg to differ honey... And I've got the screen shot to prove it.
Then today I got a text from my boss asking me to call ASAP. She wanted to me to look at FB and look at a coworker's profile because he'd unfriended her and then called in sick this morning. She could access his girlfriend's profile (one of my employees), and her post was about how excited she was that they were going camping today. Hmmm. So the boss lady was wondering if he'd posted anything. And also wondering if the gf would show up for work today. Sheesh.
Anyway. The kiddo has a friend over, so I had better go see what they are up to. Ciao!
For instance, when I came home for lunch last week I noticed a coworker had posted to FB. I added my two cents and didn't think much about it. I didn't think to look at the time the original post came in. Until 2 minutes after I posted my comment she replied. Interesting. Since at both the time of the original post and the reply (and 11 more replies to various other people) she was at work. And supposed to be WORKING.
One of the comments was from another coworker, who was on his lunch break when I got back. It says, "Wow, I didn't know you got Facebook in the cash office." She didn't get the point and just replied, "I get everything sent to my phone."
And the most brilliant thing? When she got called on the carpet about texting and using FB at work, she flat out frickin' LIED. Said she never used FB at work. I beg to differ honey... And I've got the screen shot to prove it.
Then today I got a text from my boss asking me to call ASAP. She wanted to me to look at FB and look at a coworker's profile because he'd unfriended her and then called in sick this morning. She could access his girlfriend's profile (one of my employees), and her post was about how excited she was that they were going camping today. Hmmm. So the boss lady was wondering if he'd posted anything. And also wondering if the gf would show up for work today. Sheesh.
Anyway. The kiddo has a friend over, so I had better go see what they are up to. Ciao!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Family day out
Yesterday we screwed up the hubby's schedule and dragged him off to Elitch Gardens for a family fun day before the kiddo goes back to school.
It was hideously expensive. They raked you over the coals on everything they possibly could. Parking? $12. Locker rental? Another $12. And they were absolutely fanatical about not bringing in outside food or drinks. If you brought a bag in you had to have it searched. Any food or drink had to be handed over and thrown away. Although they did let us keep our water bottles. You know, I could understand if you were bringing in a picnic lunch for the whole family, but one little bag of chips isn't going to kill the park. And when you charge $8.50 for a soda, can you blame people for wanting to bring something in with them??
The good news is, a good time was had by all. I had a rough moment on the first ride we headed for (The Sidewinder). I have a dreadful fear of heights and to get to the ride you have to go up a ton of stairs. I got about halfway up and finally told my family I couldn't do it and had to go back down. I was still shaky when they finally got back to the ground.
It did manage to go on a few roller coasters (The Mind Eraser and Twister II). Honestly, it was not fear of the ride that got me on the Sidewinder, it was purely the stairs and the obvious height. All of the rest of the rides started out only a bit above ground. ;)
The poor kiddo had a bit of a rough day. On the Mind Eraser she managed to get smacked in the eye and came off crying. And her tummy didn't care for a lot of the rides (it held up though, lol). But she really liked the Boomerang.
My favorite rides were the wet ones, lol. I've always loved the log ride best (it's Shipwreck Falls at Elitch's) and I was really looking forward to cooling off in Disaster Canyon. What I didn't expect was to flat out get SOAKED! We made it through Disaster Canyon mostly dry and thought we were going to get off easy. Then we rounded another corner and there were sprinkler set up that literally half drown you as you go under them! After that we decided since we were already wet to head for Shipwreck Falls. And that was another soaker. If the huge splash didn't get you, the water from the splash that poured down off the walkway over the ride sure did! then you pretty much had to run for it to avoid getting hit by the splash from the next lot as you left the ride, lol.
So here's my public service announcement. Don't wear denim on the water rides at Elitch's! It stays wet forever!
Around 3:30 PM the clouds started rolling in and we knew we were going to get a storm. The last ride we went on was the Twister II, an old fashioned style wooden roller coaster. The kiddo and I went first and hubby got stuck waiting for the next go. I think this was actually my favorite ride of all. Hubby actually ended up in the last lot that went before they closed all the rides that were 100' or taller due to lightening.
That was when we decided to join the mass exodus and head for home. Hubby was really tired by then, since he's used to sleeping during the day.
So of course we hit the start of rush hour in Denver. And then the rain just poured down making the drive really scary at times. But we got home safe and sound, a lot poorer than when we left, but quite happy and tired :) The perfect end to the summer holiday.
It was hideously expensive. They raked you over the coals on everything they possibly could. Parking? $12. Locker rental? Another $12. And they were absolutely fanatical about not bringing in outside food or drinks. If you brought a bag in you had to have it searched. Any food or drink had to be handed over and thrown away. Although they did let us keep our water bottles. You know, I could understand if you were bringing in a picnic lunch for the whole family, but one little bag of chips isn't going to kill the park. And when you charge $8.50 for a soda, can you blame people for wanting to bring something in with them??
The good news is, a good time was had by all. I had a rough moment on the first ride we headed for (The Sidewinder). I have a dreadful fear of heights and to get to the ride you have to go up a ton of stairs. I got about halfway up and finally told my family I couldn't do it and had to go back down. I was still shaky when they finally got back to the ground.
It did manage to go on a few roller coasters (The Mind Eraser and Twister II). Honestly, it was not fear of the ride that got me on the Sidewinder, it was purely the stairs and the obvious height. All of the rest of the rides started out only a bit above ground. ;)
The poor kiddo had a bit of a rough day. On the Mind Eraser she managed to get smacked in the eye and came off crying. And her tummy didn't care for a lot of the rides (it held up though, lol). But she really liked the Boomerang.
My favorite rides were the wet ones, lol. I've always loved the log ride best (it's Shipwreck Falls at Elitch's) and I was really looking forward to cooling off in Disaster Canyon. What I didn't expect was to flat out get SOAKED! We made it through Disaster Canyon mostly dry and thought we were going to get off easy. Then we rounded another corner and there were sprinkler set up that literally half drown you as you go under them! After that we decided since we were already wet to head for Shipwreck Falls. And that was another soaker. If the huge splash didn't get you, the water from the splash that poured down off the walkway over the ride sure did! then you pretty much had to run for it to avoid getting hit by the splash from the next lot as you left the ride, lol.
So here's my public service announcement. Don't wear denim on the water rides at Elitch's! It stays wet forever!
Around 3:30 PM the clouds started rolling in and we knew we were going to get a storm. The last ride we went on was the Twister II, an old fashioned style wooden roller coaster. The kiddo and I went first and hubby got stuck waiting for the next go. I think this was actually my favorite ride of all. Hubby actually ended up in the last lot that went before they closed all the rides that were 100' or taller due to lightening.
That was when we decided to join the mass exodus and head for home. Hubby was really tired by then, since he's used to sleeping during the day.
So of course we hit the start of rush hour in Denver. And then the rain just poured down making the drive really scary at times. But we got home safe and sound, a lot poorer than when we left, but quite happy and tired :) The perfect end to the summer holiday.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
They make me crazy. Or at least my own kid does. Just took her school clothes shopping (Old Navy had $10 jeans, and we had a coupon for Kohls). Thank goodness she's not brand conscious (yet) and actually thinks her mom has good taste. But when we got home, instead of saying thanks she stuffed a dirty shirt in my face and said, "Smell this!" Argh!
But aside from that, it was actually a good morning. Got her 2 pairs of jeans, and a cute little outfit for under $50. Add that to the shirt we got last week and she's got several "new" outfits for school (although she's switching schools, so technically everything is new to the kids there, lol).
But I have to say, I cringe at most of the styles out there for girls this year because they are such throw backs to the 80s! T-shirts with vests over them, flouncy mini dresses. Next the big hair will come back, lol.
But aside from that, it was actually a good morning. Got her 2 pairs of jeans, and a cute little outfit for under $50. Add that to the shirt we got last week and she's got several "new" outfits for school (although she's switching schools, so technically everything is new to the kids there, lol).
But I have to say, I cringe at most of the styles out there for girls this year because they are such throw backs to the 80s! T-shirts with vests over them, flouncy mini dresses. Next the big hair will come back, lol.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Lunch time
I sneaked home for lunch today. Just because I CAN ;) I only live a few minutes away from work, so it's easy. And I really felt like I needed more coffee (the headache I had agreed). So here I am, swigging down the coffee, trying not to burn my tongue on my sesame chicken, and playing on the internet.
Scared the poor kiddo when I came in though, lol.
Scared the poor kiddo when I came in though, lol.
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For me.
It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...
We're leaving shortly for Iowa. Our yearly pilgrimage to the old homestead and Gram. Not sure what all we are going to do when we get ...
(A.K.A Mother's Day hint list for the hubby and child, lol) 1. New body pillow. My old one is flat and my back is getting achy again. ...