I've applied for a promotion at work and I am interviewing for it today. This would make me full time, better benefits etc. It also would add more responsibility. Honestly, there are three of us applying for the position, 2 of us whom I really think actually have a shot at it. Although the 3rd person could surprise me and interview very well. He has a charm about him (don't get me wrong, I like him for the most part but the man is a snake oil salesman and would do very well selling used cars...) that could be in his favour. But, I think that he would be the most disadvantaged if he got the job, because frankly I think the others would have a hard time working for him... Then again, they may have problems working for me, as I am not a proven entity in sales.
Honestly, if I don't get the position I won't be crushed. It's basically sales leader, and my sales skill are rusty and I've never played team sports so my coaching skills are non-existent! But then again, the other two have zero coaching experience either, lol. I've applied because I need the sales experience if I am going to get anywhere within this company. And well, full time/better benies, you know.
If I don't get the spot, in a few months another position opens up and my boss has already told me he wants me training with the woman now. I'd still have to interview for it, but being trained for it already would give me a huge jump on anyone else who might apply within the company, and already being in the location and part of the team is huge ;)
I've huge shoes to fill with either position. But like I told my boss, I don't want to be a cashier forever. Of course, he told me I was selling myself short, 'cause I'm not just a cashier, and that made me feel really good. I have had a minor promotion to internal key carrier (no extra cash, just a lot of trust and again, that makes me feel good) so my time as cashier is actually quite limited lately. And I don't have to run a register on Black Friday, yay! But I digress...
Seriously though. If I don't get the spot I'm interviewing today and the one guy gets it, I will be thrilled for him and wait my turn in February ;) And since I at least have that option and the other two don't, I consider myself pretty lucky.
Anyway. I had better get moving as I need to finish my coffee and get ready for work still, and I'm down to 10 minutes, lol. Ciao!
Update: Little bit pissed off still. The guy that was doing the interviews decided to do phone interviews and between he and my boss (who just days before told me he thought I would be good for the spot) decided that I would be better suited to the second spot that would be opening up and therefore decided not to interview me. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and the future job opening is still unsettled. The woman who is leaving may decide not to leave or something. So that bothers me. I'm glad to know the job is mine if it happens, but...
"I'll read my books and I'll drink coffee and I'll listen to music, and I'll bolt the door." -J.D. Salinger
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
At the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month
On this day in history...
Veteran's Day is no longer just about remembering the dead of WWI, but about remembering all our veterans who have served our country and protected our freedom, especially those who have died.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
No inspiration
After Halloween I needed a new design for the blog. And I just can't find anything that inspires me to design something myself. My creativity is at an all time low. Part of this is a lack of decent free image sites. Years ago, I used to make a bit of extra money by designing Moveable Type websites. Back then there were wonderful sites, run by talented photographers and artists who just wanted to share their art with others. I still have images from some of those sites tucked away, and I have over 100 old blog designs saved (not all designed by me, I had a partner at the time and I still have all her designs as well).
Out of all those designs can I find anything that grabs me and makes me want to use it? Heck no. Mind you, part of that is pure laziness on my part. They are all coded for old MT, not the new Blogger. So there would be a bit of work involved to redo them for this blog. And I just can't seem to find the drive to do so.
Especially not when there are some amazing premade templates out there. In fact, I've not designed my own blog for ages, because I have found so many fun templates out there already.
I do know I need to get out of this creative funk. I knit for a bit the other night on the bag that will not end. Got bored. So no knitting. No writing in years. Now no design. (Which is especially bad when someone asks me to design something at work! Oops.).
Anyhoo. Guess I'll stop whinging and go take advantage of someone else's creativity and read ;)
Out of all those designs can I find anything that grabs me and makes me want to use it? Heck no. Mind you, part of that is pure laziness on my part. They are all coded for old MT, not the new Blogger. So there would be a bit of work involved to redo them for this blog. And I just can't seem to find the drive to do so.
Especially not when there are some amazing premade templates out there. In fact, I've not designed my own blog for ages, because I have found so many fun templates out there already.
I do know I need to get out of this creative funk. I knit for a bit the other night on the bag that will not end. Got bored. So no knitting. No writing in years. Now no design. (Which is especially bad when someone asks me to design something at work! Oops.).
Anyhoo. Guess I'll stop whinging and go take advantage of someone else's creativity and read ;)
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For me.
It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...
We're leaving shortly for Iowa. Our yearly pilgrimage to the old homestead and Gram. Not sure what all we are going to do when we get ...
(A.K.A Mother's Day hint list for the hubby and child, lol) 1. New body pillow. My old one is flat and my back is getting achy again. ...