Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh wow

I found my very first blog post ever tonight, lol. It goes just like this:

I decided to try my hand at this whole Blog thing tonight because I just have so many thoughts running through my brain. I sometimes think that if I don't get some of them out, I might just go crazy...

This seems like the ideal place to share my thoughts.

A little about me. I'm 31, married to a wonderful man for over 10 years, and we have a lovely daughter named Isabel. We'll be celebrating her first birthday May 9th.

I posted that on April 28, 2001. It's funny to see what I liked graphically back then, and how things changed as I learned my way around html, and finally CSS.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


The "great debate" on Dear Abby for the last two days... Thongs up or Thongs Down.

Are they comfortable? Are they sexy? Are they sleazy? Or are they just a way to avoid VPL (visible panty-lines).

I'm no fashionista. But a while back E! did a show on Fashion Do's and Don'ts and there were two things at the top of the Don't list. Mom Jeans and VPL. I don't wear Mom Jeans and I don't have VPL, so I guess I'm more fashionable than I thought ;)

So. Are they comfortable? Don't tell me they aren't comfortable if you haven't tried them. I'm so sick of people who have a lot to say about things they've never tried or considered doing.

Are they sexy? Don't care. I'm not wearing them for anyone else.

Are they sleazy? Nope, the man looking at my ass noticing I have no panty line is the sleazy one. Yeah, I am sure there are women wearing thongs who are sleazy. I'm also sure there are some who wear regular old undies that are sleazy. It's the person inside the knickers that's sleazy, not the knickers themselves, lol.

Frankly, I don't give a damn about what kind of undies a person wears. It's not any of my business. Really, let's keep it that way.

(Note to all those who seem to think that really low cut jeans are the only alternative to Mom Jeans: I don't want to see you panties and/or your crack when you bend over. In men that's called plumber's arse. Think about it...)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


has returned to Colorado. While most of the Midwest and the East was in the deep freeze last week, we were reaching record high temps. My poor little mother was freezing in Iowa while we were running around in short sleeves. As my boss said one day, "Yesterday was the perfect April day. Only not in April." Lol.

So this week the weather has changed and it actually feels like January. We got some much needed snow as well. (We all forget just how necessary snow is to our area when we are running around enjoying 70 degree temps. But without adequate snowfall we have things like this and this at a weird time of the year and goodness knows what come July!). Between this week and one bitterly cold period where it barely got out of single digits, we've only had about 2 weeks of winter.

And even now, the temps are only short lived. One more cold day today, then back up to the 40s and 50s. Who says there's no such thing as global warming??

Anyhoo. Off to the shower before it is time to get the kiddo up for school. Ciao!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Call me a pessimist if you want but

I prefer to think of myself as a realist. I'm thrilled that G.W. is gone. Oh so thrilled. But I'm also pretty darned sure that Obama comes without a magic wand. I'm almost positive he's a muggle like the rest of us...

Yes, change is good. Yes, I voted for Obama and I do think change is coming. But it took things a long time to get this screwed up. It's going to take a long time and more than one man to get it all straightened out again. Honestly, I actually feel sorry for Obama, because he has a long row to hoe and very high expectations to live up to.

Most blogs and comments to blogs I've seen make me think people either think the man is a saint (which I think he would be the first to admit is not the case) or that he's gonna wave his non-existent magic wand and things are going to be better over night.

Let's be realistic here. He's one man working with at least 535 other people (the House of Representatives and Senate, not to mention cabinet members, advisors, and other world leaders...) that all have their own interests and opinions. Even with a longer than usual presidential "honeymoon" period like experts are predicting, when does government ever move quickly?

Change'll do you good and I believe it's coming, but don't expect too much too soon from this one single person. Give the man the chance, and the time he needs.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Knit Twit Trips Down Memory Lane

I wish that it was possible to program a playlist in YouTube, without joining anyway, lol. There are a million and one songs there that I don't have in my iTunes. Songs that I would never pay for, like anything by Metallica (insert raised finger here). *Snark* I imagine they'll come after YouTube soon (and insert again) lol. And there are also a lot of songs I have in iTunes that no longer exist on the old puter. iTunes no longer exists on the old puter, lol.

Really though, my hubby was playing my metal playlist the other day (aka WoW PvP tunes, nm that I don't PvP anymore) and he bitched that I should rename it to AC/DC list, lol. Well can I help it that most of the metal I've loaded is AC/DC (and really, it's only 17 of the 35 songs in the list, rofl)? I have more of their albums than any other metal band. And sadly, a lot of my metal music is in that unplayable, old-fashioned format, the dreaded cassette tape! And iTunes just doesn't have Megadeath available for dl. But even YouTube doesn't have much of the old punk that I loved, like the DKs (listening to "Institutionalized" right now, thanks to Jango, lol. "All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi!" And of course we can't forget the classic, "I Saw Your Mommy" What scares me is I still remember the lyrics to both songs, haha. What a sick child I was, lol.)


I did actually cast on for my bag tonight. I need to work up a few more stitch markers, that or find the ones that my daughter ran off with because they were pretty, lol. Hmm, she got a jewelery kit for Christmas, maybe I'll steal some of her charms, haha.

(PS This little trip down memory lane brought to you by phone calls from friends out of the past ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ok so recasting on the

Flowers on the Go bag the other day was a rather ambitious idea as it turns out. Just balling the last skein was a project in itself. New Years Resolution number 2: From now on I only buy yarn at places that ball the yarn for me ;)

I have a ball winder. It works fine and dandy. But the last three skeins of yarn I've tried to wind have ended up a tangled mess 2/3 of the way through. I would guess that this last skein of yarn took a good two hours for tow of us to wind.
how the heck it gets so tangled I know not. One moment everything is fine and the next there is 50 yards of wool in one giant knot.

So while I love my closest LYS because the owner is friendly and helpful when I need help and content to let me just wander and touch yarn when I don't, she doesn't ever offer to ball the yarn.

The adorable LYS in the next town over (love, love, love the location and the atmosphere of this store!) has friendly and helpful employees who ALWAYS offer to wind my yarn.

Even the employees at the single most unfriendly yarn shop I've ever been in wound my yarn for me the one and only time I shopped there.

I don't know, it just seems life (and knitting time) is too short to waste untangling wool ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Yes, I know it's a little late. But still... My resolution this year is to get a family photo taken. Our last family photo was taken when the munchkin was probably 2. And that was just a shot we set up before Christmas in front of the old fireplace so really, it wasn't even a great picture. This year I want a real photo taken, and since you can't really beat the price it's not asking for a lot, is it?

It hit me last year when we were at Mt. Rushmore and someone offered to take a pic of the three of us (and cranky hubby said no, but that's another story) that we really needed to do this.

Of course, hubby and I have both put on some weight this last year (being out of work and sitting on one's arse eating chocolate tends to do that...) but oh well.

My other resolution is to knit more. I just need to make the time. I have some lovely stash yarns that are just begging to be used. Heck, I have some UFOs sitting in my knitting drawer. The Flowers on the Go bag needs to be frogged and the new skein of yarn balled so I can cast on again. I've socks on the needles. I've got Corntastic yarn begging to be knit into plain Jane socks for the kiddo. And my Brooks Farm Yarn is crying to be knit in to something fantastic. Not to mention my spiderweb shawl...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Oh yeah!

This year about 3 days before Christmas I smacked myself in the head as I realized I had forgotten our Christmas Kringle. Oh the heartbreak!

Well, last week I solved the problem and ordered my Kringles. Today they arrived, lovely and fresh. Raspberry is my hubby's favourite, and this year I tried the cherry cheese. YUM! I've also had the pecan, which was delicious as well. Happy happy happy!

For me.

It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...