I love Ozzy, lol.
"I'll read my books and I'll drink coffee and I'll listen to music, and I'll bolt the door." -J.D. Salinger
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
I bought some lovely green wool yesterday so I can start knitting today. Of course, I bought the wrong size circular (I don't know what I was thinking buying the longest cable length, lol) so I shall have to exchange that this morning.
And for once I actually dread going into a craft store. Why? Because JoAnn's has cinnamon scented pine cones at the front door that stink the entire store up. It's absolutely overwhelming. I don't mind the smell, in smaller amounts but this is just awful. It's no wonder they are in the entryway rather than the main store, the employees would keel over, lol.
Anyhoo. Gotta go run herd on the munchkin. See yas!
And for once I actually dread going into a craft store. Why? Because JoAnn's has cinnamon scented pine cones at the front door that stink the entire store up. It's absolutely overwhelming. I don't mind the smell, in smaller amounts but this is just awful. It's no wonder they are in the entryway rather than the main store, the employees would keel over, lol.
Anyhoo. Gotta go run herd on the munchkin. See yas!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Not Knitting
*Sigh* I haven't picked up my knitting in days. I'm bored with it, lol. There is a reason many people keep more than one project on the go at a time and I've found it. It's funny, because I cast on for Cherry Bomb because it was so simple, but I have to say the straight stockinette is boring me to tears. Yes I can knit and watch TV at the same time without any thought, but blah. Not to mention the fact that we're hardly in tank top weather now, eh?
I do want to go to my LYS on my next day off. I've seen a pattern (Flowers on the Go) that I liked and need to buy some wool for it. I'm falling back on the old felting fun ;) I need a new purse, my poor little Sophie is looking a bit worn.
I do want to go to my LYS on my next day off. I've seen a pattern (Flowers on the Go) that I liked and need to buy some wool for it. I'm falling back on the old felting fun ;) I need a new purse, my poor little Sophie is looking a bit worn.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Ohhh, WoW is me...
Ass in, woe is me. WoW was to do their normal Tuesday maintenance today, be back up by noon our time. Ummm. Now it is 8 hours later and they are still not up. Of course, I had today off work and thought that between this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon when I have to go to work I'd be able to make a big push toward level 70 with my Alliance druid, Morticia. I hit 69 with her yesterday. Not bad, from level 62 to 69 in less than a week. I jokingly said to my hubby last week that we had seven days to get seven levels and we've nearly done it. Now if WoW would just cooperate. *Sigh*
Remembrance Day
The 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month. Today is Veteran's Day, or Remembrance Day as it is known most of the rest of the world. Whether you support war or you don't, remember that our military folks are just doing their jobs and give them a pat on the back. And maybe at 11 am today, where ever you are, stop and take a few minutes to remember all those that have died serving our country.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
— Lt.-Col. John McCrae
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
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For me.
It's been a long winter. Mentally, I feel even worse off than I was before, though things are finally looking up. I abandoned the gym. I...
We're leaving shortly for Iowa. Our yearly pilgrimage to the old homestead and Gram. Not sure what all we are going to do when we get ...
(A.K.A Mother's Day hint list for the hubby and child, lol) 1. New body pillow. My old one is flat and my back is getting achy again. ...